Stop, Relax and Release Technique Part 2

When we move our attention from our thoughts into our body, we can begin to feel its sensations. Our body stores energy and emotions from our past and when we relax and release (See blog post 1), we create inner space where we can then choose to respond. When we feel relaxed in our body, we are able to connect with our kids with understanding. The words below can help describe what you are feeling when your attention is focused on your body. Focus on the feeling, then relax the muscles and let go.
Achy |
Frozen |
Raw |
Airy |
Full |
Rolling |
Alive |
Fuzzy |
Shaky |
Bloated |
Goose Bumpy |
Sharp |
Blocked |
Gurgling |
Shimmering |
Breathless |
Hard |
Shivery |
Brittle |
Heavy |
Shudder |
Bubbly |
Hot |
Silky |
Burning |
Icy |
Smooth |
Buzzing |
Intense |
Soft |
Chilled |
Itchy |
Spacious |
Clammy |
Jagged |
Spacious Breathing |
Closed |
Jittery |
Spasming |
Cold |
Jumbly |
Sticky |
Congested |
Jumpy |
Still |
Constricted |
Knotted |
Stretchy |
Constricted Breathing |
Light |
Stringy |
Contracted |
Limp |
Strong |
Cool |
Loose |
Suffocating |
Cozy |
Nauseous |
Sweaty |
Cramped |
Numb |
Tender |
Dense |
Open |
Tense |
Dizzy |
Paralyzed |
Thick |
Dull |
Pounding |
Throbbing |
Elastic |
Pressure |
Tickly |
Electric |
Prickly |
Tight |
Empty |
Puffy |
Tightness of skin |
Energized |
Pulled |
Tingling |
Expanding |
Pulsing |
Trembling |
Faint |
Quaking |
Twitchy |
Fluid |
Quiet |
Vibration |
Flushed |
Quivering |
Warm |
Fluttery |
Radiating |
Weak |
Frantic |
Ragged |
Wobbly |