Are You Choosing Love Or Fear?

Life's most profound decisions often boil down to a simple choice: Love or Fear

We often don't realize it like this, do we?

Imagine it like being a fork in the road.

One way is illuminated with the glow of abundance, acceptance, and belonging.

The other is shrouded in the shadow of lack, resistance, and separation.

We can have "care-ful" thoughts, as opposed to "care-less" thoughts.

"care-ful" words vs. "careless" words.

"care-ful" deeds (actions) vs. "careless" deeds.

"careful" discernment vs. "careless" judgement. 

So what is the path when you choose Love instead of Fear?

It's when your primary operating mode becomes being of service to others - your child, your spouse, etc. listening with curiosity, understanding, validation and connection.

You recognize that when you were a child, this is what you wanted and did not receive.

You transcend the authoritative, pride-filled arrogance of control, realizing that you don't like being told what to do either. Remembering instead that your child is learning, just like you were as a child.

And so you choose to love and serve your child as if you are re-parenting yourself.

Because this is what you are doing and what parenting is really about.

This path of love and service is more than just a nice philosophy.

It leads to tangible growth.

It changes you positively, setting off an extraordinary process...

The beautiful phenomenon is known as a trusting relationship with your child that lasts a lifetime and is based on mutual respect and admiration.

This shift can come as sudden as a lightning bolt or can gradually work its way through you almost unnoticed.

It's the most important journey you will ever go on, an upgrading of yourself, fueled by what's known as Love - the energy of the heart. 

Choosing to see your child just as impressionable and innocent as you were as a child. Even when they are disagreeable, they are just trying to find your limits.

Choosing to hold healthy boundaries because you know your child needs them and you need them too.

Choosing to walk this path courageously, unconditionally, and with an open heart.

So starting today, see your child through the eyes of love, let love guide your actions, your words, even when it's difficult and uncomfortable to do so.