Developing True Self Worth - Yours And Your Child's
Self-worth is the internal sense of being good enough and worthy of love and belonging from others. Positive feelings of self-worth are associated with a high degree of self-acceptance, knowing yourself to be a valuable and capable human being.
Self-worth is often confused with self-esteem, which relies on external factors such as successes and achievements to define worth and can often be inconsistent leading to someone struggling with feeling worthy. Developing true self worth means that you see yourself beyond your current identity and current set of circumstances.
True self-worth does not emerge from conditions that are external, transient or fleeting. It comes from something internal and eternal, from deep within ourselves. Entering the space of true self-worth comes from a deep inner self-belief, a knowingness, a connectedness. It is the portal of self-worth through which all other aspects of yourself emerge.
Without a foundation of true self-worth, the other aspects of ourselves will fail to blossom.
True self-worth emerges from a deep and abiding capacity to be authentic. It is when we have the courage to love ourselves deeply enough to be authentic to our truth without fear of being abandoned or rejected that we enter the dimension of autonomy and liberation. A deep sense of being complete, enough just as I am. There is no lack. This is your true nature.
Parents can help their child develop a sense of true self worth by:
- Teaching your child to learn to do things for themselves by showing them how.
- Giving your child opportunities to help and give by including them in the families daily activities.
- Limiting praise and instead, giving an evaluation-free statement, “You put your shoes on by yourself” or simply “You did it”, allowing them to feel fulfilled by what they did.
- Being a good role model, developing your true sense of self-worth as an example.
- Becoming aware of criticism - even without words - criticism is judgment, an expression of disapproval based on perceived faults or mistakes - when you feel disappointed, you have an expectation - feel the sensations in your body. This isn’t about your child, this is yours.
- Accepting your child, just as they are, in this moment, allowing them to be their authentic self.
“The only thing that matters in life is your own opinion about yourself” ~ Osho