Motherhood: Self-Mothering and the Benefits Of Re-Parenting Ourselves

May unfolds as a season of revival. Following the dormancy of winter, nature is bursting forth with renewed vigor. Plants bloom, trees sprout fresh leaves, birds construct nests, and the insects awaken to pollinate and propagate. This resurgence mirrors the essence of motherhood—an embodiment of life itself.
Facets Of Motherhood
Motherhood extends beyond biology, encompassing inspiration, wisdom, nurturing, nourishing, and caring with affection. Motherhood’s role goes beyond familial ties, resonating with the inherent capacity within each of us to love, taking the other as part of ourselves and their best interest as our own. Motherhood offers us opportunities to cultivate inner strength offering tremendous growth through self-reflection and emotional development.
Embracing Self-Mothering
Self-mothering embodies principles essential for our own personal growth and emotional maturation. Rooted in feminine energy, Self-mothering uses intuition, and self-awareness to re-parent ourselves.
Self-mothering involves taking responsibility for our own life, our own choices and our own well-being. Re-parenting involves attuning to our adult self while validating, understanding, nurturing and showing compassion for the younger parts of ourselves that didn’t get their needs met, and then giving them what they needed from our adult self. Over time, self trust, calm and a sense of safety, inner peace and self-love develops. By prioritizing Self-mothering we reclaim our innate worthiness and embrace our inherent wholeness.
Practicing Self-Mothering
Self-mothering begins with fulfilling our own basic needs such as rest, exercise, and nourishment. We then extend this care to begin recognizing when we’re feeling stressed, exhausted, or self neglected. Introspection is the key in those moments. Paying attention to our bodies and noticing when we’re feeling tense or triggered, and then asking ourselves these questions. Tune inside…
1. “What’s going on with me right now?”(refer to my blog Stop, Relax, Release Technique,
2. “Where do I feel this in my body?” “What is the sensation I feel?” (refer to my blog for a description of feelings),
3. As you are turned inside, relax the areas in your body you are feeling the pain or discomfort. This can be somewhat challenging especially when you are beginning. Breath deeply a few times.
4. Release the muscles, one at a time. This may cause emotion to erupt. Stay with it. Feel it as deeply as you can. It will pass. At first it takes more time but gradually, this becomes faster as your body begins to trust you.
Illuminating areas where nurturing energy may be lacking and giving it the mothering that is needed there will help with this process.
Spreading Nurturing Energy
The mature relationship we have with ourselves comes with letting go of the past. Our own mothers, as tumultuous and toxic as the relationship may be or was, can be accepted and even forgiven once we release what we hold inside our bodies. Re-mothering ourselves allows us to channel the nurturing energy of motherhood into our lives, offering forgiveness to us and to others even if they hurt us. By opening up, taking ownership for our own choices in our lives, allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, kind, and empathic toward ourselves and others, creates resiliency and compassion. We then become true examples to our children of empowerment and courage by navigating life's challenges with confidence, inner strength, grace, and understanding. This gives our children the freedom from repeating our generational patterns, beliefs and projections from the past.