The New Parenting Paradigm Manifesto

A letter to children
You are a sovereign being.
I will respect you as I respect myself. I will set and hold boundaries and help you set yours. I will respect those boundaries.
I will always value your opinion. Your age is not relevant.
When you make a mistake, I will not shame you, as I will not shame myself when I make one.
I will admit when I am wrong or do not know the answer and to show you that it is safe for you to do the same.
When you reach maturity I will let you be free. Until then I will guide and protect you, but I will not attempt to control you.
I will assume the best in you, never the worst.
I will not take your silence personally, instead I will allow you space and time to be with yourself just as I will take space and time for myself when I need it.
I will hold your secrets sacred and not share with others. Your secrets are not mine to share.
I will not see you as an extension of myself.
I will not push you to be the best at anything, but I will support you to do your best and so experience the fulfillment of purpose.
I will witness your hopes and dreams without judgment. I will not place my unrealized dreams onto you, instead I will show you how to follow your dreams by following my own.
I will consider your point of view while still holding mine.
I will strive for connection over correction as you make your journey through this life.
Even though you are little I will not belittle you.
Your life is your own. Live it as only you know how.
Be free little one.
Adapted from writing by Gabrielle Dunnmoore