Conscious Parenting


Conscious Parenting

The Conscious Parent Online Course

Unlock a more authentic relationship with your child

Receive the same 12 modules of video lessons, self-reflection exercises, and meditations as the private coaching program—but without the 1:1 coaching sessions. This online course is filled with ah-ha moments and gives you the skills you need to implement Montessori Parenting methods and create meaningful shifts.

3 hours of video lessons, exercises, and meditations  |  $375

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The Conscious Parenting Approach to Discipline

Nurture self-disciplined, independent, and confident kids with the Conscious Parenting approach

In this course, we delve into the heart of effective discipline, keeping kids safe and protected while assuming the best in them, considering their point of view, and striving for connection before correction so they can be empowered, fulfilled, and successful for life!

30 minute video course  |  $150

Access the Course


Conscious Parenting Online Course

Conscious Parenting Examples

Heart Centered Parenting Logo Meg O'Keeffe Montessori Parent Trainer

Unlock a more authentic relationship with your child, and become the parent you've always wanted to be.

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